........................................................................with words, with issues!!!

Apr 22, 2012

बोल्ड डेसिजन लिने पालो कांग्रेसको

परम्परागत संसदीय शासनप्रणालीको हदै तीतो अनुभव बोकेको नेपालले फेरि त्यही असफल व्यवस्था बोक्ने मूर्खता कदापि गर्न सक्दैन । यो आममनोविज्ञानलाई नेपाली कांग्रेसले समेत राम्रै बुझेको छ । त्यही बुझेरै बाहिर संसदीय झण्डा बोकेर जतिसुकै कुर्लेपनि ऊ कम्प्रोमाइज गर्न उद्यत छ । यद्यपि अधिनायकवादको हौवा खडा गरेर प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित राष्ट्रपतिय व्यवस्थालाई ठाडै इन्कार गर्नुमा उसको दलीय प्रतिष्ठाले पनि धेरथोर भूमिका खेलेको होला । मिश्रित व्यवस्थामा सहमति हुने पछिल्लो खबर इतिहासका संगीन मुद्दाहरुलाई पनि यसैगरी दलीय प्रतिष्ठाको विषय बनाउनुको उपज हो । वास्तवमा दलहरुलाई आफ्ना अडान त्यागेर मिश्रित व्यवस्थालाई मिलनविन्दु बनाउन सजिलो त भएको छ, तर बुझ्नुपर्ने कुरा के हो भने टिकाउ व्यवस्था चाहिं यो हुंदै होइन ।
  राष्ट्रको भविष्यका निम्ति शासकीय स्वरुपको चरित्रभन्दा पनि शासकहरुको चरित्र महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ भन्ने एकथरि तर्क छ । ठीकै सुनिए पनि यो तर्क किन अपुरो छ भने धेरै अवस्थामा शासकको चरित्र निर्धारणमा शासकीय स्वरुपकै भूमिका अहं देखिएको छ । २०४६ पछि शासनको केन्द्रमा रहेका नेताहरु चानचुने  थिएनन्, ती सबै लामो संघर्षको पृष्ठभूमिबाट निखारिएर आएका थिए । कठोर जेलनेल खेपेका, चरम यातना सहेका अनि देशका लागि केही गरौं भन्ने हुटहुटी भएका तिनै नेताहरु पछि कसरी पतित भए, घटनाक्रमको बेलिविस्तार यहां जरुरी छैन । सरकार टिकाउनैका लागि अंकगणितका भद्दा खेलहरुमा निर्लिप्त भएर कसरी सांसद खरिदविक्रीका खेलहरु पटाक्षेप भए, ती पनि हाम्रो स्मृतिबाट हराईसकेका छैनन् । आखिरमा जति सकिन्छ मोलमोलाई गरेर, जोसंग हुन्छ त्यहीसंग गठजोड गरेर जसरी हुन्छ टिकिराख्नु नै संसदीय व्यवस्थाको बेन्चमार्क बन्न पुग्यो । मूल्यहीनता र अस्थिरताको पर्याय बनेर बद्नाम भएको व्यवस्था हो यो । यसर्थ, बोकिरहेको संसदीय झण्डा बिसाउनु त छंदैछ, परिवर्तित जनआकांक्षालाई सम्बोधन गर्नेगरी प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीका पक्षमा बोल्ड डेसिजन गर्ने जिम्मेवारी समेत कांग्रेसकै कांधमा आएको छ । स्थिरता र मूल्यको राजनीतिका निम्ति अब संसदीय व्यवस्थाको विकल्प नखोजी नहुने भएको छ ।
  विकल्पहरुमध्ये सर्वोत्तम अहिलेलाई प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी, चाहे त्यो माओवादीले भनेजस्तो राष्ट्रपति होस् वा एमालेले वकालत गरेजस्तो प्रधानमन्त्री,नै हो । ६०१ को जम्बो विधायिकालाई बेहोरिरहेका जनताहरु जम्मा दुईचार सीट मात्रै हुने भुरेटाकुरे दलले पनि संसदलाई बन्धक बनाएको देखेर वाक्कदिक्क भएका छन् । नैतिक मूल्ययुक्त स्थिर शासनप्रणाली अनि आर्थिक समृद्धिको सपनालाई साकार तुल्याउन बलियो कार्यकारीको आवश्यकता देखेका छन् जनताहरुले । अमेरिकाको राष्ट्रपति चुन्ने सिस्टमबाट लोभिएका उनीहरु यहां पनि आफ्नै हातले शक्तिशाली कार्यकारी चुनेर निश्चित अवधिका लागि निष्कण्टक शासन चलाउन दिने मनस्थितिमा छन् । त्यसो भएमा सिधै जनताप्रति उत्तरदायी हुने सो कार्यकारीलाई आफू कसरी टिकिराख्ने भन्ने टन्टा नै हुनेछैन र आफ्नो हिसाबले काम गर्न पाउनेछ ।
  तर दुर्भाग्य नै भन्नुपर्छ, दलहरुको सहमति मिश्रित प्रणालीतिर सोझिएको छ । एउटा गल्तीलाई अर्को गल्तीले किमार्थ सच्याउन सक्दैन । मिश्रित प्रणालीअन्तर्गत प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित राष्ट्रपति र संसदबाट निर्वाचित प्रधानमन्त्रीमा जाने हो भने निश्चित छ, हामी अस्थिरता र गतिहीनताको अर्को भुमरीमा फस्नेछौं । दुइटा कार्यकारीका बीच   कार्यक्षेत्र र अधिकार बंँडफाडका विषयले मात्रै होइन, व्यक्तित्वको टकरावले पनि ठूलै समस्या पैदा गर्न सक्छ । के हाम्रो संविधान यात्रा एउटा अस्थिरताबाट अर्को अस्थिरतामा गोलचक्कर मार्नकै लागि हो, नेता महोदय? नभए जानाजान किन यो आत्मघाती कदम? विवाद मिलाउने नाममा झारा टार्ने हिसाबले सुल्झाउने सवाल होइन यो । शासनप्रणाली भनेको राष्ट्रको भविष्यका निम्ति ज्यादै ठूलो महत्वको विषय हो भन्ने कुरा दलहरुले मनन गर्न सकेमात्रै पनि तिनीहरुबीचको आपसी मतभेद धेरै हदसम्म सुल्झन सक्नेछ । यसकारण, माओवादी र एमालेले आफ्ना अडान त्यागेर मिश्रिततिर घिस्रिने होइन कि,बरु कांग्रेसलाई प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीमा मनाउन सक्नुपर्छ । शान्तिप्रक्रिया टुंग्याउन माओवादीले बोल्ड निर्णय लिएजसरी संविधान निर्माणका लागि बोल्ड निर्णय लिने पालो अब कांग्रेसको हो ।
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Apr 11, 2012


Especially after the advent of Loktantra, people's consciousness has grown by leaps and bounds. This is aptly demonstrated at the sights of patients' party raising a storm of protest at the slightest of mistakes on the doctors part.Not long ago, the patients' party used to quietly accept the result; if their loved ones survived, they would eulogize the doctors as God and if, by any mistake, could not survive; they would take it as their fate and silently leave thanking the doctors for having put in their best efforts. But, things have drastically taken a big U-turn since then. This noble profession has lost its credibility among the masses. The belief that 'Doctors are Gods' is fast eroding. The respect it held among the hearts of so many people is no more there. There is no hesitation to resort to hooliganism and vandalism in the hospital premises. People are so easily making death threats to their one-time Gods. Why is this happening? The medical fraternity and the general public alike need to do some serious soul-searching before things go out of control.
It's indeed needless to say that the attitude of today's doctors toward their patients is frankly disgusting. They consider themselves superior to the patients and openly boast of their 'Doctor' title.Their behaviour is no different. The poor patients are often discouraged from expressing their problems wholly. No matter what the patients have to say, these self proclaimed intellectuals of the society always seem to be in a tearing hurry and lack an iota of patience to listen to their 'customers'. It feels as if they have already eaten away their medical ethics and the hippocratic oath.
It's no secret that majority of our folks havenot even heard of English, let alone understand it. Then, dear doctors, what's the point in unnecessarily using english words in between while talking to those patients or the patient's men? I've encountered many people who have pretended to understand the doctor, but in reality lay totally confused. I'm afraid, what will be the upshot of it all?
As this profession is concerned with the life and death of a person, even a slight carelessness on the doctor's part may claim so precious a life. Against this backdrop, I wonder why on earth, these healers can't even pat their patients with little bit of affection? What has stopped them from being a loving and caring professional? Why are they not able to devote a little extra time in the name of poor patients when they have surplus of time to spend in the private clinics? Thee questions will probably never be answered.
I think it's neither the money nor the bulky books alone that has made them what they are today: A 'magic healer' with a brisk walk and a jolly mood in white apron and a stethoscope round the neck. It's those helpless patients too. I like to ask doctors; had these bedridden people forbidden you from palpating their liver, would you have learnt palpating it from your books? A big NO indeed. Patients, therefore, are to be treated as their own family members. It is said that half of the patients' illness automatically fades away by a doctor's smiling visage and soft-spoken behaviour. So, why not do it if one has entered this noble profession with the sole motive of selfless service to the needy? Why not improve the quality of doctor-patient relationship in the best interests of both the parties? Why not repose the total faith in one another to bring in the best results?
It's already late and if things donot move in the right track anytime soon, rowdism in the hospitals and nursing homes is sure to escalate further. And as a response, the senseless strikes from the doctor's side too will continue unabated. That will cost this noble profession very dearly.

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Apr 4, 2012

A Devilishly Compelling Read: THE KITE RUNNER

  Just when the whole world was celebrating over the death of Bin Laden, a man often portrayed as an incarnation of evil, I was flipping through the pages of ‘THE KITE RUNNER’. And no wonder, where I found myself was in the midst of all those harrowing tales of inexcusable Talibani crimes backed by same Laden. Yes, for now, Laden is gone; but the deep psychological trauma will never cease to haunt those ill-fated Afghanis. With somewhat playful a language and its fingers on the pulse of readers; this runaway best-seller by Khaled Hosseini shows us what life is like in Afghanistan. Himself an Afghani physician now taking political asylum in the US, Hosseini however has multitude of theme to offer to the readers from this book. Afghanistan is just one of them. You will fathom out the innocence of childhood days, childhood friends, the puritanical society, the tribal discrimination and what not. 

Amir and Hassan are two central characters in the novel. They grew up together in Kabul much the same way as an ordinary child does here in Nepal. They played together, ran kites in the streets together, jumped helter-skelter together, watched movies together……and sure the list goes on ad infinitum. They even had the same plight to share- mothers taking last breath barely a few days after their birth. One thing was very uncommon though for these motherless boys: Amir belonged to the dominant Pashtun tribe and Hassan to a minority Hazara. Fate had it that way for them and no force, however hard it may try, could change that. They were seemingly the best of friends, but this one uncommon stuff put paid to that. Inferior as his tribe was, Hassan with his father Ali had their role as the servants in Amir’s house. And it needs no mention that to convert a servant-master relationship to that of ‘friend-friend’ would really be a task of Herculean proportion. More so in a society like Afghan that is cut across on rigid religion and caste lines.

Besides, another stuff uncommon in them was that while Hassan was gallant, Amir was a timid chicken-hearted chap. Each time the local goons intimidated Amir, Hassan was always there by his side; always ready to save Amir, even at the cost of his life. Hassan was in fact not a type of guy to give in to such bullying and threats. Nevertheless Amir was the just opposite. All his character exhibited was that – “Getting born to a dominant tribe, to a well-to-do family is one thing, mustering up the courage to fight back the goons is a different ball game altogether.” I would like to narrate here a particular event to this regard which would later go on to mark a watershed in the whole plot. It goes like this: “One fine day, Hassan encounters a gang of local bullies- all of them Pashtuns. They are, for long, in search of an opportune moment to teach this Hazara a lesson. As it used to be always this Hazara that came in their way of dealing with Amir; this time they are in no mood to leave him just like that. And yes, they teach him the worst lesson ever by raping him; yes those sociopaths rape Hassan. But worst of all, there in the corner was Amir witnessing all this and doing nothing but mutely watching the high-voltage drama. Shortly after, may be as an after effect of the scene, the cowardice inside him gets even more emboldened and so he takes to his heels and runs out of sight. Poor Hassan is left to his fate.”

This incident made Amir to think of ways to get rid of Hassan and his father. Because; on the one hand, Amir’s father, Baba as he used to call him, was being too loving and caring to Hassan for all his bravery; and on the other, Hassan’s bravery was more or less adding insult to the vanity of Pashtuns, no matter even if it had saved his life. Of course, he was feeling guilty and was full of remorse for his inability to help Hassan at those needy hours and out of embarrassment had not even gathered the guts to see him eye to eye. But he chose to right his wrong by committing yet another wrong: forcing Baba to make them leave that house. The remaining part is all about how Amir struggles to redeem himself from these sins.

He flees to the US with his Baba when the monarchy in Afghanistan gets consigned to history and the Soviet Union invades it. In fact, the red terror seeps into this land thereafter, and thousands of Afghanis become condemned to lead a life of refugees in Pakistan and the US. While in US too, he helplessly watches his country lurch from one crisis to another in the march of time. Once the ‘red terror’ comes to its end after the Soviet Union withdraws from there; it so happens that yet another dark blot in the history of Afghanistan was awaiting them. This time in the guise of Taliban. Talibans- remember the destruction of Bamiyan Buddha statues! In the meantime, the plot takes a dramatic turn when one of Baba’s old friends calls Amir back to Kabul and spills the bean. He feels betrayed by his own flesh and blood when he comes to learn that Hassan was the son of Baba, not Ali ( but no doubt of Ali’s wife, Sanaubar). The line in the book “Sanaubar’s suggestive stride and oscillating hips sent men to reveries of infidelity” explains much of this. Now, he understands why his half-brother was getting so much of Baba’s love and care. But, this revelation had come already much late, for there was no Hassan in this earth to know this real lineage. He is already shot by the Taliban. Amir then proceeds in a path he sees as an only way to redemption- a path toward adopting Sohrab; Hassan’s son; his nephew, who was languishing in one of the orphanages in Kabul. And with this comes a full stop in the storyline.

Having said that; I can now add with aplomb that this book has indeed reinforced my understanding of Afghanistan. The Afghan I heard right from my childhood days was that of the devastated land, rocket attacks, suicide bombings, brutal killings and so on. Now, the Taliban rule has certainly ended and so has the rule proclaiming ‘every man needs to have a fist sized beard at the bottom of his chin’, thanks to the post 9/11 scenario. However, let’s not mince words: the country is sinking into the morass ever deeper. At times, the depiction of Talibani brutality in the novel perfectly dovetails with what happened in Nepal in the 10 year long bloody fracas. Over and above that, of particular poignancy is also the way Hosseini has woven the tales of discrimination on the basis of tribes. By birth, someone is a Sunni Muslim, Pashtun tribe and some other a Sh’ia Muslim, Hazara tribe. While reading the sufferings of the Hazara, I tended to juxtapose them with the maladies afflicting our own ‘Dalits’. Yet another significant truth it exposes is that forgiving oneself is a thousand times harder job than forgiving others. Had it not been the case, Amir would have never returned to linger in the dangerous Talibani streets of Kabul under the Damocles’ sword just in search of Sohrab. Take it, it was his honest bid to atone for his sins.

Anyway, I bet once you start the book, you won’t want to put it down without completing. At least for me, it went that way. It’s simple, it has every recipes needed to hold its readers spellbound. With plenty of strong points and a very few weak spots, I’m sure it’s going to leave on you a lasting impression. Plus, to those who fall short of time to read, there’s nothing to worry. You can go for its movie version; the Kite Runner has already been adapted as a motion picture.
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